<![CDATA[HURRICANE WRESTLING - Alumni]]>Sun, 12 Jan 2025 20:51:01 -0500Weebly<![CDATA[2022 Alumni Night - Save the Date : 1/8/2022]]>Sun, 28 Nov 2021 05:00:00 GMThttp://whb-wrestling.com/alumni/2022-alumni-night-save-the-date-182022The 2022 WHB Wrestling Alumni night has been announced. It will be on ​Saturday January 8th at the Westhampton Brewery in Westhampton Beach. As in previous years, the event will kickoff immediately after the Cory Hubbard Duals Tournament hosted by the Canes.  The Cory Hubbard Duals will be an all-day event with first dual meets beginning at 9am.
We don’t know if all or any fans will be allowed at the school for the tournament but we are definitely a go for the Brewery Alumni night. The brewery is open all day with music until 7:PM.  After 7:PM it will be just the wrestling group but people can show up any time. Alumni are any wrestlers/parents/coaches/managers/ and friends of the program. (Anyone really is welcome!)
Come on out and support the Canes!!
This is a growing event and we hope to see even more alumni this year!]]>
<![CDATA[2019 Alumni Night - Save the Date]]>Sun, 28 Oct 2018 14:37:46 GMThttp://whb-wrestling.com/alumni/2019-alumni-night-save-the-dateThe 2019 WHB Wrestling Alumni night has been announced. It will be on ​Saturday January 5th from 6pm-11pm at the Mill Roadhouse in Westhampton Beach. As in previous years, the event will kickoff immediately after the Cory Hubbard Duals Tournament hosted by the Canes.

The Cory Hubbard Duals will be an all-day event with first dual meets beginning at 9am. Come on out and support the Canes!!

This is a growing event and we hope to see even more alumni this year!
<![CDATA[First WHAZZOO Award]]>Tue, 16 Jan 2018 05:00:00 GMThttp://whb-wrestling.com/alumni/first-whazzoo-awardAt the recent alumni get-together,  the first ever "annual" WHAZZOO award was also in attendance.. As you can see in the photo below, it was awarded in 1971-72. The recipient was Senior Ralph Terrell who wrestled at  215 pounds. During conversations with Ralph and other alumni at the recent get-together, Some of the history of the original orins of WHAZZOO was discussed. The original spelling was acually WHAZZO with only a single "O". The 1 "O" was for opponents. The new version with 2 O's came into existence at a later date. I'm sure there is more history to be learned, but it was great being able to share the photo of the trophy and learning more about the proud history of Hurricane Wrestling!
<![CDATA[2018 Alumni Night and Annual get-together Set!]]>Wed, 27 Sep 2017 01:48:00 GMThttp://whb-wrestling.com/alumni/2018-alumni-night-setALUMNI NIGHT: The 2017-18 Season alumni night will take place before the 5pm match against Amityville on Friday,  1/5/2018. All alumni in attendance will be introduced (name & year) before the match. After a group photo, the alumni will make a tunnel to welcome the Hurricanes onto the mats! 
DATE: January 5th 2018 (Friday)
​TIME: Just before the start of the varsity match at 5pm. Please arrive a few minutes early.

ANNUAL GET-TOGETHER: This will be held immediately after the Cory Hubbard Duals Tournament on Saturday, 1/6/2018. We will be getting together at The Mill Roadhouse (142 Mill Road) at approximately 5pm (right after the tournament ends). We will have the 2nd floor all to ourselves. This event is for for alumni, friends, family and anyone who support Hurricane wrestling! Hopefully the weather will be more cooperative than last year and we hope to see everyone there!!
DATE: January 6th 2018 (Saturday)
LOCATION: The Mill Roadhouse (2nd Floor)
​TIME: After Completion of the Cory Hubbard Duals Tournament (approximately 5pm)
<![CDATA[Alumni Registry goes live!]]>Fri, 21 Apr 2017 04:00:00 GMThttp://whb-wrestling.com/alumni/alumni-registry-goes-liveWe have just begun listing alumni names, e-mail addresses, and graduation years in the alumni registry. This is voluntary, password protected, and open to all wrestling alumni. If you would like to be added to the registry, simply use the contact us form at the bottom of the page, or contact Coach Bass with your information. Please include your first and last name, e-mail address, and graduation year. You will receive a reply and the password to that section of the site at that time. Additionally, if you know any alumni who are not receiving e-mails, please let us know. We want to get as many as possible on both the alumni e-mail list as well as the registry. Thanks for your help! Let's not leave anyone out!]]><![CDATA[Alumni "Snow Date" Set for January 18th 2017]]>Mon, 16 Jan 2017 23:44:59 GMThttp://whb-wrestling.com/alumni/alumni-snow-date-set-for-january-18th-2017 Due to the inclement weather during the Cory Hubbard Duals last Saturday (1/7), many alumni wisely chose not to venture out onto the roads and we have received requests for a "snow date" for the alumni night. Coach Bass thought that was a great idea and would like to invite our alumni THIS WEDNESDAY (1/18) to Claddaugh in Westhampton Beach in conjunction with Senior night against Sayville. The JV will wrestle at 4:30pm and the Varsity is scheduled to wrestle at 6:00pm, . The Coaches will head over to Claddaugh after the matches and Senior presentations. Our best guess for a start time is 8pm. We hope to see as many of you at the match as possible!!]]><![CDATA[2016-17 Season Alumni night to be held on 1/7/2017]]>Sat, 19 Nov 2016 16:25:00 GMThttp://whb-wrestling.com/alumni/2016-17-season-alumni-night-to-be-held-on-172016

8:30am @ WHB High School
5pm @ Margarita Grille
This is the third annual Cory Hubbard Duals hosted at the Westhampton Beach High School! Prior to the start of the tournament there will be a tribute to Cory Hubbard and all that has become of the Live Your Cor foundation. The tournament will begin with dual meets at 9am,11am,1pm. The finals will be at 3pm and we would like everyone to come out and support the Hurricanes! Immediately following the tournament, we will welcome WHB Alumni, Live Your Cor supporters, and friends and family at the Margarita Grille in Westhampton Beach to celebrate and catch up! Please share this event to help us spread the word! Come one, Come All! See you there!

<![CDATA[Alumni Help Propel Canes to Victory at Cory Hubbard Duals]]>Sun, 03 Jan 2016 17:40:52 GMThttp://whb-wrestling.com/alumni/alumni-help-propel-canes-to-victory-at-cory-hubbard-dualsWhile I have no specific numbers, there seemed to be a decent amount of WHB alumni on hand for the Cory Hubbard Duals yesterday (1/2/2016). (If anyone has any actual numbers, just let me know). Those in attendance certainly didn't leave disappointed, but may have left without voices after all of the cheering that culminated in the final deafening roar when the Hurricanes beat Longwood in the last match to capture the cup! 

The evening "social" organized by 1976 grads Arum Terchunian & Bob Culver was a great time and seemed pretty well attended. First year Longwood wrestling Coach Jonathan Gress, a 2005 WHB grad and former Hurricane wrestler even came to join in the festivities. That was impressive considering the tough loss earlier in the day. It's a great time to catch up with those you haven't seen in a while. This is a great event that I hope continues in the future. Thanks again Arum and Bob.

Another HUGE shout out to Hurricane wrestling supporter Joe Grady and his Hurricane Deli that supplied all of the food for the event. Joe has done a great deal for the team this year. In addition, he opens early EVERY match and tournament day to allow our wrestlers and parents to get breakfast at ungodly hours. We appreciate all he and his staff does to support us and I hope that everyone frequents the Hurricane Deli for their own needs when possible to say thank you!]]>