Hurricane Team Rosters 1990-99
Below you will find team rosters from previous years in Hurricane wrestling history. The names were obtained from Yearbooks in the High School library and is a work in progress. If you are able to provide any additional names, results, photos, or any other information that will help paint the historical pictures of our previous Hurricane teams, please do not hesitate to let us know! Use the "Contact Us" form below and we will touch base as soon as possible! Thanks in advance for your help!
1995-1996Paul Bass - Coach
Asst. Coach - Korey Williams Asst. Coach - Fred Musumeci James Waller Bill Turbush Steve Holtz Rob Carsiti John Goode David Kohler Barbara Aless Sabrina Newman Juan Garcia Dylan Martin Brian O'Toole Brian Tolley Tim Moore Louis Garcia Eric Sweet Greg Beardsley David Sanberg Kevin Kellenberger William Grasso Matthew Horn Nicholas Viola Jeffrey Berg Paul Astrup John Mees John Emington Kevin Turbush Jason Martin |
1996-1997Paul Bass - Coach
Dan Barton Willie Grasso Greg Beardsley Billy Turbush Steve Holtz Rob Carasiti Juan Garcia Jimmy Walller John Goode Tim Moore Kevin Turbush Travis Dietz Chris Bardsley Mike Page John Emington Brian O'Toole Dave Kohler Ed Diaz |
1997-1998Paul Bass - Coach
Jon Amato Dan Barton Chris Beardsley Greg Beardsley Desmond Bright Eddie Diaz Travis Deitz John Flannery John Godzieba Willie Grasso Mike Hadley Steve Holtz Matt Horn John Krupp Angelo Laino Pete Loughlin Tim Moore Frank Nobiletti Brian O'Toole Thang Phung Dan Tria Kevin Turbush Eric Uresk Louis Vecchio Nick Viola Wes Winters Zach Zaleski |
1998-1999Paul Bass - Coach
No names yet |
1992-1993Paul Bass - Coach
Assistant Coach - Tony Guma Tom Ryan Bill Murphy Dave King Alex Sweet Scott Flynn Dan Simon Meghan Phillips Kelly Phillips Lester Smith David Flynn Scott Knobler Chris Heaney Chris Dumont Dan Cowan William Waller Tim Foley Ed Money Tom Campani Abe Cary Drew Meyer Zeb youngman Dave Valasquez Derrick Grieco Chris Mench Curtis Brandi Jeff Jehelka Chris Coden Sean Moore Craig Palmer Kevin Sabo John Robilotto Brian Boden |
1993-1994Paul Bass - Coach
Assistant Coach - Tony Guma Tom Ryan Ray hernandez Abe Cary Alex Sweet Dan Simon Remy Harrold Bill Murphy Scott Knobler Chris Condon Jon Robilotto Derrick Greco Joey Kaufmann Dave Valasquez Brian Leach Charlie Seaman Sean Moore Remy Harrold David Kohler Brian Bowden Pat Friel David Bowden David Fein Ed Monnia Dave King |
1994-1995Paul Bass - Coach
Assistant Coach - Tony Guma Manager - Beth Bach Coach Guma Jeff McGarry Charlie Seaman James Dicarlo tim Moore Paul Cannariato Bobby Carasetti Jim Waller wlater Bartic Juan Garcia Slex Sweet Beth Bach Sean Moore Dave Valasquez Brian Tolley Jon robillotto Eli Velzquez David Kohler |
1989-1990Paul Bass - Coach
Assistant Coach - Tony Guma Mike Cruise Jason Lumer Jeremey Broderick David Preston Robert Demasco JT Kinane Ian Schuler Alex Zaleski Nat Fickenworth Gideon Mosler Brian McGuinness Frank DelGuidice Ryan Saboe David Lowery Kevin Horton Meghan Phillips Vince La Soto Dave Intonato Doug Robinson John Mosler Scott Flynn Cooper Jessup |
1990-1991Paul Bass - Coach
Assistant Coach - Tony Guma Manager - Erika Phillips Jeremy Broderick James Duca Mike Cruise Vince LaSota Mike Toto Dave Intonato Nat Fickenwroth Ian Schuler Gary Capozzola Brian McGuinness Chris Heaney Dave Lowery Dave Preston Ryan Sabor Tim Foley Abe Cary John Immel Cooper Jessup Neil Davies Jimmy King Sean Correale Terry Kinane Chad Cooper Scott Knobler Lester smith Paul Calafiore Danny Simon Scott Flynn |
1991-1992Paul Bass - Coach
Assistant Coach - Tony Guma |