Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. We will run practice this week again on Monday and Wednesday from 6:30pm-8pm. Our practices are open to all middle school wrestlers. So if you know of anyone, even if they haven't wrestled (any age 7th-11th grade), please encourage them to come on down!
Our tentative dates for our home camp will be July 12th-15th. Once we receive confirmation that we can reserve the gym for those dates we will send out a confirmation email with all of the details.
If you have not yet signed up for the Kutztown camp, please do so ASAP! It is EXTREMELY important that you make it a priority to attend Kutztown this year!
Link for Kutztown:
Attending Kutztown is a CRUCIAL element if you want to have a successful season this winter! We lost a lot of time waiting to be cleared for off-season practices and more importantly, we lost the opportunity to compete. Engaging in competition is the only way to enhance your skills so that you can reach your goals. Attending our practices lays a great foundation but no one can succeed on that alone. If you want to have a house of success you must build it through competing in a competitive environment. Kutztown provides the opportunity to get a TON OF MATCHES in a short period of time. Pennsylvania wrestlers are without a doubt some of the toughest wrestlers in the country. You cannot ask for a better environment to help you become a stronger, more resilient individual
As all of you know, we are graduating 10 incredibly talented and hardworking seniors. The success they have achieved in their careers comes from the camaraderie and loyalty they have for one another. Many times these great relationships start at Kutztown. Some of my greatest memories and friendships that I still have today are the ones that were created at this camp. This camp not only helps you improve as an individual, but it also helps strengthen our team as a whole. We all have experienced those moments during tough matches where our team and fans are fully invested into each individual match. This is something that is extremely special and separates us from everyone else.
Our success for this upcoming season rests in all of our hands from the sacrifices we make. We are going to open as many doors as possible, but it's up to you guys to walk through them.
The season will be here before you know it and it will reveal who put the time in. Please take advantage of the opportunities you have in front of you at this moment so that you don't have regret during the season when you're counting the ceiling tiles ;)
If anyone has any questions, please feel free to reach out to me!
Coach DeTore [email protected]